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why choose Chiralabs? |
Dyes, pigments & colour analysis
Chiralabs can offer a wide variety of characterisation studies and investigations of dyes, pigments, colourants and colouration using a range of spectroscopic, physicochemical and chromatographic techniques (including circular dichroism analysis, UV Visible NIR absorption analysis, fluorescence analysis, FTIR analysis, FTIR-ATR analysis, Raman analysis, HPLC analysis, ion chromatography, elemental analysis, electron microscopy, NMR, GC-MS, etc.):
- Dye, pigment & colourant identification
- Colorimetry & colour characterisation
- Structure & Physicochemical properties
- Composition, impurity profiles & authenticity
- Natural versus synthetic dyes, henna versus PPD
- Comparability, consistency & similarity
- Stabilities
- Solubilities
- pH profiles
- Relative photostabilities
- Reference spectra & data
We routinely work to high accuracy with microsample quantities, using leading-edge research-grade instrumentation.